Fennel Tea: A Simple and Natural Boost for Midlife Health

Fennel Tea

 I absolutely love starting my day with a warm cup of fennel tea. It’s not just a comforting routine, but also a great choice for my health. Let me share with you how to make this simple yet wonderful tea.


         •       1 teaspoon of fennel seeds

        •       1 cup of boiling water


  •  Crush the Seeds: First, lightly crush the fennel seeds. This helps to release their flavour and beneficial oils

  • Steep: Put the crushed seeds into a teapot or directly into your cup. Pour the boiling water over them and let it steep for about 5-7 minutes. This lets all the goodness infuse into the

  • Strain: Pour the tea through a strainer into your cup to catch the seeds.

  • Enjoy: Drink it as is or feel free to add a slice of fresh lemon for an extra zest.

 Why I Choose Fennel Tea:

Choosing fennel tea means you’re getting a great source of antioxidants, which is fantastic for overall health. It’s great for digestion and has a calming effect, perfect for easing into the day.

 If you’re interested in more health tips and recipes like this, consider signing up for my weekly health bites. You’ll find the link below. Here’s to a healthier, happier start to our days!


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