Pear, Blackberry & Pecan Crumble

The combination of naturally sweet chestnut flour and ripe fruit means no extra sugar is needed in this delicious dessert. This is one of my families favourite puddings!

Pear, blackberry & pecan crumble


Serves 4

 For the filling

  • 4 large or 6 small ripe dessert pears

  • 150g blackberries fresh or frozen

 For the topping

  • 75g chestnut flour

  • 50g pecans

  • 15g extra virgin coconut butter + extra for greasing


  1. Preheat the oven to 180C. 

  2. Grease a 1 litre oven proof dish using coconut butter. 

  3. Careful peel core and roughly chop the pears. 

  4. Place the chopped pears and blackberries in a greased dish, levelling the surface with the back of a spoon. 

  5. Next combine the chestnut flour, pecans and coconut butter in a food processor. Process until the ingredients are well combined and fine bread crumbs. 

  6. Sprinkle the topping over the fruit and bake in the preheated oven for 30 minute. 

  7. Serve hot or cold with the accompaniments of your choice. I like Greek yogurt or full fat cream. Enjoy!



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