Dry Skin Brushing for a Gorgeous Midlife Body

What is body brushing? it is, basically, brushing your skin. Using a body brush, carefully but firmly which brushes your whole dry body before you shower. We can notice as we enter perimenopause and menopause that the skin on our body starts to change. It doesn’t have the same tone and can often feel dry and itchy. Adding body brushing into your daily routine can really make a difference. I do it every morning and I just love the way it makes me feel and the effect it has on my skin. It’s such a great way to start the day. and it costs nothing all you need is a brush.

Dry skin brushing is not only great for exfoliating the skin, it’s also an essential tool for improving circulation and strengthening the immune system. Dry brushing unclogs pores in the exfoliation process. It also helps detoxify your skin by increasing blood circulation and promoting lymph flow/drainage. Also, by unclogging pores, it's easier for the body to sweat and eliminate toxins in your system.

According to a 2019 review of studies , people who had between 8 and 16 treatments over a period of several weeks saw a significant reduction in cellulite

 Selecting a Dry Skin Brush 

 Choose a brush that has natural fibre bristles and a long handle for reaching all of your back. Some have a removable handle and strap for using the brush without the handle. The bristles may feel too firm at first, but your skin will get used to this over time. If you have very sensitive skin, you may want to start with a softer brush or use a dry towel in the beginning.

 How to Use Your Dry Skin Brush 

  1. Brush your dry body before you shower or bathe, preferably in the morning.

  2. Start at your feet and always brush toward your heart. Use brisk circular motions or long, even strokes.

  3. Brush all the way up your legs, then over your abdomen, buttocks, and back. If you have cellulite on your hips and thighs, concentrate their a little longer. For complete dissolving of cellulite, brush for 10 minutes daily for several months.

  4. Brush lightly on sensitive areas like breasts and more firmly on areas like soles of the feet.

  5. When you reach your arms, begin at your fingers and brush up your arms, toward your heart. Brush your shoulders and chest down, always toward your heart.

  6. Avoid brushing anywhere the skin is broken or where you have a rash, infection, cut or wound.

  7. Finish by taking a shower and if you choose, use alternating cold /hot water or a cold blast at the end to further stimulate the lymphatic system and improve circulation.

  8. Dry off vigorously and apply your favourite body lotion.


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