How to Optimise Health Before Perimenopause: Essential Strategies for Women in Their Early 40s

Navigating Early 40s: A Guide for Vibrant Health

Understanding the Journey Ahead

In my practice, I've witnessed many women entering their early 40s grappling with unexpected changes to their body and psyche. This transformative era can often seem like a departure from the familiar paths of youth or the well-documented experiences of menopause.

The Hormonal Tapestry

Our bodily functions are intricately linked to hormonal ebbs and flows, particularly as we approach the threshold of midlife. It's a transition that demands attention and care, as it sets the stage for the next chapter in our health narrative.

Menstrual Cycle Insights

The menstrual cycle is a barometer of health, comprised of distinct phases, each punctuated by hormonal shifts and distinct symptoms:

  • Menstruation: This phase can be viewed as a reset, where the drop in hormones can influence mood and energy levels.

  • Follicular Phase: Rising hormone levels during this time can uplift mood and increase energy.

  • Ovulation: A time of peak fertility, this phase is often accompanied by a boost in self-assuredness and overall well-being.

  • Luteal Phase: As the body prepares for potential pregnancy, or the onset of menstruation, emotional and physical sensations can fluctuate.

Understanding these cycles is key to managing the physical and emotional changes they entail.

Perimenopause and Menopause: The Transition Defined

The Prelude: Perimenopause

Imagine perimenopause as the overture to menopause, the phase that sets the scene for the final act of your menstrual life. It's a time when your hormones start to fluctuate more unpredictably than before, and this can stir up a variety of symptoms. You might notice changes in your menstrual cycle—it could become irregular, and you might experience symptoms that are new to you, such as hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, or even changes in libido.

These symptoms are your body's way of signalling that it's gearing up for a significant change. Perimenopause can kick off in your 40s (sometimes even in your late 30s), and it's a perfectly natural stage of life. During this time, it's not uncommon for your periods to come closer together or spread further apart; they might be lighter for some months, heavier for others. This is all part of the journey towards menopause.

The Milestone: Menopause

Menopause isn't an overnight event—it's confirmed when you've gone a full year without a menstrual period. This typically happens in your late 40s or 50s, but the timing can vary widely from woman to woman. When you reach this milestone, your ovaries have significantly reduced the production of hormones like estrogen and progesterone, which means you're no longer releasing eggs for fertilisation. Essentially, it marks the end of your reproductive years.

Beyond the Milestone: Postmenopause

Once you've transitioned through menopause, you enter the postmenopausal phase, which lasts for the rest of your life. It's important to note that while the more immediate symptoms of menopause may diminish, the decrease in estrogen can have long-term effects on your health. Postmenopausal women can be more susceptible to conditions like osteoporosis and heart disease due to the protective effects of estrogen waning.

It's essential during this time to focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle with adequate calcium and vitamin D intake for bone health, cardiovascular exercise for heart health, and regular check-ups with your healthcare provider. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is an option some women choose to alleviate prolonged symptoms and help reduce the risk of certain chronic conditions associated with postmenopause, but it's important to discuss the benefits and risks with your doctor.

Understanding these phases helps in navigating the changes with awareness and care. By recognising the signs and knowing what to expect, you can take proactive steps to manage your health through perimenopause, menopause, and beyond.

Preparing for Perimenopause: Nutritional and Lifestyle Foundations

Balancing Blood Sugar for Hormonal Harmony

Keeping your blood sugar levels stable is not just about avoiding the afternoon slump; it's closely linked to your hormonal balance. Erratic blood sugar can wreak havoc on your insulin levels, which in turn can affect other hormones such as cortisol and estrogen.

To maintain this balance:

  • Combine macronutrients: Make sure each meal contains a good mix of complex carbohydrates (like whole grains), quality proteins (such as lean meats, fish, or legumes), and healthy fats (think avocados, nuts, and seeds).

  • Choose low-GI foods: Foods that have a low glycemic index release sugar into your bloodstream more slowly, helping to keep those levels steady.

  • Snack smart: Opt for snacks that combine protein and fibre, like an apple with a handful of almonds, to maintain energy levels between meals.

Nutritional Strategies for Hormonal Support

A nutrient-rich diet lays the foundation for hormonal health. Here's how you can support your body's nutritional needs:

  • Phytoestrogens: Foods rich in phytoestrogens, such as soy, linseeds (flaxseeds), and sesame seeds, can provide a mild estrogenic effect, which may be beneficial as your own estrogen levels start to fluctuate.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: These healthy fats, found in oily fish, chia seeds, and walnuts, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can support mood and hormonal health.

  • Antioxidant-rich foods: Berries, leafy greens, and brightly coloured vegetables can help protect your cells from oxidative stress, which is particularly important as we age.

Healthy Weight Management into Perimenopause

Maintaining a healthy weight is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of hormonal imbalances and ease the transition into perimenopause. To manage your weight:

  • Mindful eating: Pay attention to your hunger cues and stop eating when you're comfortably full, not stuffed.

  • Regular, balanced meals: Avoid crash diets or skipping meals, which can lead to overeating later on. Instead, focus on regular, balanced meals to keep metabolism steady.

  • Portion sizes: Be aware of portion sizes, especially when eating out. You can always ask for a half portion or take some of your meal home for later.

Strengthening Bone and Muscle Health

As estrogen levels begin to decline, so does bone density, making it crucial to focus on bone health to prevent osteoporosis.

  • Calcium-rich foods: Include plenty of calcium-rich foods in your diet, such as dairy products, fortified plant milks, almonds, and leafy green vegetables.

  • Vitamin D: Ensure adequate vitamin D intake for calcium absorption, either through sun exposure, diet, or supplements, as advised by your healthcare provider.

  • Regular weight-bearing exercise: Activities like walking, jogging, dancing, or strength training are great for maintaining bone density.

  • Muscle-strengthening routines: Incorporate resistance training into your exercise regime to maintain muscle mass, which supports metabolic health and physical strength.

Daily Routine for Hormonal Harmony

Creating a balanced daily meal plan that includes a variety of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats is key for supporting hormonal health.

Breakfast Options

  1. Spinach and Feta Scramble: Whisk eggs and cook them scrambled with spinach, feta cheese, and diced tomatoes. Serve with a side of roasted sweet potatoes for a complex carb.

  2. Smoked Salmon and Avocado Bowl: Layer smoked salmon over a bed of mixed greens. Add sliced avocado, a soft-boiled egg, and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Dress with a lemon-dill vinaigrette.

Lunch Options

  1. Chicken and Quinoa Salad: Toss grilled chicken breast slices with cooked quinoa, mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and cucumber. Add a handful of pumpkin seeds for crunch and a simple olive oil and lemon dressing.

  2. Beef Stir-Fry with Veggies: Quickly stir-fry strips of lean beef with broccoli, bell peppers, and snap peas in a ginger-soy sauce. Serve over a base of brown rice or cauliflower rice for a lighter option.

Dinner Options

  1. Grilled Fish with Mediterranean Vegetables: Grill a fillet of fish like salmon or sea bass. Serve with a side of roasted Mediterranean vegetables such as zucchini, bell peppers, and eggplant, drizzled with olive oil and herbs.

  2. Pork Tenderloin with Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Apples: Roast a pork tenderloin and serve with a side of Brussels sprouts and apple slices roasted in a touch of olive oil and a sprinkle of cinnamon for a sweet and savory flavor.

Vegetarian Daily Routine for Hormonal Harmony


Start your day with a nourishing blend of protein and complex carbohydrates to keep your blood sugar levels stable and support your hormone health from the morning:

  • Chia Seed Pudding: Soak chia seeds in almond milk overnight, then top with mixed berries and a sprinkle of ground flaxseed,

  • Spinach and Feta Omelette: Whip up an omelette using egg substitutes or chickpea flour, spinach, and crumbled feta cheese, served with whole-grain toast.


A midday meal that's rich in fibre, protein, and healthy fats can help sustain your energy levels throughout the afternoon:

  • Lentil Salad: Toss cooked green or brown lentils with a variety of chopped vegetables, such as bell peppers and cucumbers, and dress with olive oil and lemon juice. Add some crumbled goat cheese or diced avocado for extra creaminess and healthy fats.

  • Quinoa Veggie Bowl: Mix cooked quinoa with black beans, sweetcorn, cherry tomatoes, and cilantro. Top with sliced avocado and a generous squeeze of lime for a zesty touch.


For dinner, focus on a hearty, balanced meal that provides essential nutrients without overloading your digestive system before bedtime:

  • Stuffed Bell Peppers: Fill bell peppers with a mixture of quinoa, kidney beans, chopped nuts, and spices. Bake until tender and top with shredded cheese or a vegan cheese alternative.

  • Hearty Vegetable Curry: Simmer a selection of seasonal vegetables and chickpeas in a rich tomato and coconut milk sauce. Serve with brown rice or a whole grain of your choice for added fibre.

Reducing Hormonal Disruptors

  • Caffeine and Alcohol: Limit intake as these can affect sleep quality and exacerbate menopausal symptoms.

  • Processed Foods: Minimise these to reduce exposure to additives and unhealthy fats that can affect hormonal balance.

  • Stress: Adopt stress-reducing practices such as meditation, as chronic stress can impact hormonal health.

Cycle Tracking

Monitoring your cycle can offer invaluable insights into your hormonal health, helping to anticipate and manage symptoms effectively.

Supplemental Support

When diet and lifestyle adjustments require additional support, supplements can offer a helping hand in maintaining hormonal balance and overall health. However, it is crucial to remember that supplementation is highly personal and should be approached with caution.

Before introducing any supplements into your routine, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional. Supplements can interact with medications and may not be suitable for everyone. A healthcare provider can offer tailored advice based on your health history, current conditions, and any medications you might be taking. This ensures that any supplements you consider will complement your health regimen without causing adverse effects.

Embracing the Journey Together

As we navigate the complexities of entering our early 40s, it becomes increasingly clear that our daily habits cumulatively shape our overall health. This pivotal time, often marking the cusp of perimenopause, calls for a renewed focus on self-care, highlighting the importance of diet, lifestyle, and the judicious use of supplements to maintain hormonal harmony.

Understanding the nuances of our menstrual cycle, recognising the signals of perimenopause, and adopting empowering strategies for nutritional and lifestyle adjustments form the cornerstone of this journey. It's about more than just navigating the present; it's about laying a foundation for a vibrant, healthy future as we transition through menopause and into postmenopause.

The choices we make now — from balancing our blood sugar and managing our weight, to strengthening our bones and muscles — are not just acts of self-care but profound investments in our long-term health and wellbeing.

In this journey towards achieving and maintaining hormonal harmony, knowledge is power, and support is key. For those looking to deepen their understanding and enrich their journey, I invite you to sign up for my weekly Midlife Health Bites. Link below. Here, you'll find insights, tips, and strategies tailored to navigating the changes of the early 40s and beyond, all aimed at empowering you to embrace this vibrant stage of life with confidence and health.

Together, let's navigate these transformative years with awareness, care, and a proactive approach to our health and happiness.


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