Hearty Cabbage & Lima Bean Soup

I whipped up this super tasty and nourishing soup just last night. It’s incredibly simple to make and absolutely perfect if you’re in the mood for something warm and comforting. Full of healthy ingredients, this soup is a fantastic choice for anyone looking to eat well. Let’s get into how you can make it too!


         •       1 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

        •       1/2 small Yellow Onion, sliced (about 60 grams)

        •       2 Garlic cloves, chopped

        •       2 cups (or 300 grams) Green Cabbage, sliced

        •       2 1/2 cups (or 600 ml) Low Sodium Vegetable Broth

        •       Sea Salt & Black Pepper, to taste

        •       1 1/2 cups (or 255 grams) Cooked Lima Beans

        •       3 tbsp (or 45 ml) Fresh Dill, chopped


         1.      Start with heating the olive oil in a pot over a medium flame.

        2.      Toss in the onion slices and cook them till they’re nice and soft, which should take about five minutes.

        3.      Next, add the chopped garlic and cabbage. Keep stirring and cook this mix for another five to seven minutes.

        4.      Now, pour in the vegetable broth, and season with a bit of salt and pepper. Cover the pot and let it simmer gently for around 20 minutes.

        5.      It’s time to add the lima beans. Let the soup simmer for another 10 minutes.

        6.      Finally, just before you’re ready to serve, stir in the fresh dill. Do a quick taste test and adjust the seasoning as you like. And there you have it, a bowl of hearty, comforting soup! 

Hope you enjoy making and savouring this soup as much as I did! And hey, don’t forget to sign up for our weekly health bites for more great recipes like this one!


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