Chocolate Seed Crunch: A Family Favourite

Chocolate Seed Crunch

If you’re in the mood for something sweet, this is just the thing – delicious, easy to whip up. Its always a big hit with my family!


        •       Dark Chocolate: 78 grams (2 3/4 ounces) (preferably 80% cocoa or higher)
        •       Coconut Oil: 2 teaspoons
        •       Pumpkin Seeds: 60 millilitres (1/4 cup)
        •       Sunflower Seeds: 60 millilitres (1/4 cup)
        •       Hemp Seeds: 30 millilitres (2 tablespoons)
        •       Flaxseeds: 30 millilitres (2 tablespoons)


  • Line a plate or baking tray with parchment paper.

  • Fill a medium saucepan with about 2.5 cm (1 inch) of water. Place a smaller pot or heat-resistant bowl on top, ensuring it doesn’t touch the water

  • Boil the water, then simmer. Melt chocolate and coconut oil in the double boiler, stirring occasionally.

  • Remove from heat. Stir in all seeds until coated in chocolate.

  • Spread mixture on parchment paper. Freeze for 30 minutes or until set.

  • Break into pieces. Store in an airtight container in the freezer or fridge. Enjoy!

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