Menopause-Friendly Fennel & Bean Medley: Nutrient-Rich Recipe for Midlife Wellness

Fennel & Flageolet Bean Medley with Basil Pesto

Navigating through menopause requires special attention to your diet. As a menopause nutritional therapist, I've crafted this recipe combining ingredients rich in essential nutrients that support your wellbeing during menopause. Fennel aids digestion and reduces inflammation, while flageolet beans, a versatile legume, bring in protein and fibre. And if you don't have flageolet beans on hand, feel free to swap them with another bean variety of your choice. Paired with the aromatic charm of basil pesto, this dish proves that nutritious can also be delectably delightful.


  • 160g fennel, sliced (about 1 small bulb)

  • 1 can flageolet beans (or other beans of your choice), drained and rinsed

  • 160g leek, sliced (1 large or 2 small)

  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  • 100g green pesto (fresh basil pesto)

  • Zest and juice of 1 lemon

To Serve:

  • 20g hazelnuts, chopped

  • 10g fresh basil leaves


  1. In a large pan, warm the olive oil over medium heat. Add the sliced leek and fennel, sautéing until softened and translucent.

  2. Incorporate the flageolet beans (or your chosen beans) into the pan, mixing them well with the leek and fennel. Continue to sauté for another 5 minutes.

  3. Reduce the heat to low and blend in the green pesto, ensuring all ingredients are generously coated.

  4. Mix in the lemon zest and juice, combining thoroughly. Allow the mixture to simmer for 3-4 minutes.

  5. Plate up your medley, garnishing with chopped hazelnuts and fresh basil leaves for a finishing touch.

This vibrant dish is perfect as a stand-alone main or as an accompaniment. The synergy of pesto, fresh fennel, and hearty beans creates a delightful fusion of flavours.

Was this recipe to your liking? There are many more menopause-friendly culinary delights awaiting you on my resources page. Embark on a flavourful health journey with these curated recipes!


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