Unlocking the Benefits of Tulsa Tea

Welcome to my blog, where today I,m delving into the virtues of Tulsa Tea, a cherished part of my daily routine. In this post, I’ll be sharing insights on why Tulsa Tea is particularly beneficial during menopause, along with a simple recipe to enjoy its goodness.

Why Choose Tulsa Tea? Known as Holy Basil or Tulsi, this herb is more than just a tea ingredient; it's an adaptogen. Adaptogens are remarkable for their ability to help the body manage stress, which is especially pertinent for those experiencing menopause. Menopause often brings a host of challenges, including hormonal imbalances and mood fluctuations. Tulsa Tea steps in as a natural allyand may offer hormone balancing properties, mood enhancement, and overall support for well-being.

The Benefits of Tulsa Tea:

  • Stress Relief: As an adaptogen, it helps in moderating the body’s response to stress.

  • Hormonal Balance: It can play a role in regulating hormonal activity, a key concern during menopause.

  • Mood Enhancement: Known for uplifting the mood, it can be beneficial in tackling menopausal mood swings.

  • General Well-being: Regular consumption may contribute to overall health and vitality.

🌱 How to Make Tulsa Tea 🍵:


  • 1-2 teaspoons of dried Tulsa leaves, or a Tulsa tea bag

  • 1 cup of boiling water

  • Optional: lemon for added flavour


  1. Place the Tulsa leaves or tea bag in your favourite cup.

  2. Pour the boiling water over the leaves or tea bag.

  3. Let it steep for about 5-7 minutes to extract the full flavour and benefits.

  4. Strain the leaves or remove the tea bag.

  5. Add lemon to taste, if desired.

Enjoying this tea is not just about savouring a warm beverage; it’s about embracing a moment of calm and wellness. Tulsa Tea is perfect for any time of the day when you need a soothing break, particularly effective during menopause for its health-enhancing properties.

For more tips on wholesome living and menopause recipes, don't forget to check out the my resources page. Link below.


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