Menopause and Facial Hair Growth

Let’s talk facial hair even though its quite a taboo subject. We know that no woman wants It! The sudden growth of chin or upper lip hair at menopause can be one of the most distressing things.

Why do we get facial hair growth during Menopause?

Facial hair is determined mostly by our hormones. More estrogen gets you the finer, softer hair, whereas more testosterone gives you the stronger hairs. During perimenopause and menopause, estrogen diminishes, but the small amount of testosterone women’s bodies produce may not.

This testosterone converts to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which results in the coarser, darker hairs many menopausal women see hair growing on their upper lip, chin, and jaw line.

The good news is there are things that can be done to help you. You do not have to suffer with this, its important to get the help you need. Having facial hair growth can be upsetting for a women and can really knock your confidence.

As a qualified beauty therapist myself I would recommend speaking to a registered beauty therapist as electrolysis and laser are very efficient ways of removing the hair permanently.

Other hair growth changes that can occur during menopause.

1. Changes in hair growth, include lack of hair growth or to much which includes unwanted facial hair or alopecia.

2. Most commonly noted is a loss of scalp hair. Lower leg, pubic and axillary hair loss is also reported.

3. Hirsutism is most commonly noted on the face.

4. Oral Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) may help to control facial hair in some women. Speak to your doctor about this.

5. Scalp alopecia may be treated with locally applied creams. Speak to your doctor about this.


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