A Deep Dive into Women's Midlife Health with Alison Bladh on "Anti-Ageing Unravelled”

The Menopause 5 Step Breakthrough Pathway: A Comprehensive Approach to Women’s Health During Menopause

Podcast Guest Feature: Alison Bladh Discusses Her 30-Year Journey in Women's Health and Wellbeing

I recently had the privilege of being a guest on the insightful podcast "Anti-Ageing Unravelled," hosted by the wonderful Dr. Lori Gerber. Our conversation was an enriching journey through my three-decade-long career in the health and wellbeing industry, particularly focusing on women's health during midlife and menopause.

Personalised Approach to Menopause

As a nutritional therapist and using the functional medicine model, my approach has always been personalised. I believe that every woman's journey through midlife and menopause is unique, and so should be their health strategy. During the podcast, we delved into my own health journey and how it propelled me to specialise in this field. I shared how witnessing the challenges and transformations women in their 40s and beyond go through ignited my passion to help them.

The Menopause 5 Step Breakthrough Pathway

A significant part of our discussion was my 12 week programme the "Menopause 5 Step Breakthrough Pathway," a holistic approach to addressing the myriad of changes women experience during menopause. This pathway focuses on:

  1. Nourishment: Tailoring diets to meet the changing nutritional needs during menopause.

  2. Elimination: Enhancing body detoxification processes to support overall health.

  3. Stress Reduction: Implementing techniques to manage and mitigate stress, a key factor in menopausal symptoms.

  4. Mindset Reset: Encouraging a positive and resilient mindset to navigate this phase of life.

  5. Empowering Tools: Providing resources and practices for long-term health and wellbeing.

Integrative Medicine and Lifestyle Changes

We also discussed how combining lifestyle changes with integrative medicine is crucial. Personalised nutrition plans, possible supplementation, blood sugar regulation, and exercise are not just buzzwords; they are essential components of a comprehensive approach to health during midlife.

Regaining Confidence and Sparkle

A core theme of our conversation was helping women regain their confidence and sparkle during midlife. I emphasised the importance of understanding each woman’s unique needs and creating a plan that not only addresses physical health but also mental and emotional wellbeing.

Appearing on "Anti-Ageing Unravelled" was an incredible opportunity to share my knowledge and experience. It was a reaffirmation of my commitment to supporting women through their midlife journey, helping them embrace this phase with health, confidence, and vitality.

For those who missed the podcast, I highly encourage you to listen to the full episode for a deeper understanding of how personalised approaches in nutrition and lifestyle can significantly impact women's health during midlife and menopause. It's a conversation filled with insights, tips, and empowering messages for all women navigating this transformative phase of their lives.

You can listen via the links below.


How to Revitalise Neck Skin in Midlife: Essential Tips for Firming and Reducing The Signs of Aging


How to Manage Your Hunger Hormones: Managing Menopause's Effect on Eating Habits