Balance Your Blood Sugar During Menopause

An article I wrote for FocusOn Health & Wellbeing Magazine I’m very happy to say has been published.

I always say to my clients if there is only one thing you do for your health control your blood sugar as this area is crucial to support a healthy menopause. If you focus on getting this right many of your menopausal symptoms may settle down or even go away.

The article talks about how taking control of your blood sugar levels is crucial for your health in general but even more so during perimenopause and menopause as when estrogen levels start to decline you may find your blood sugar levels become unbalanced. This may be due to the hormones estrogen and progesterone as they effect how your body reacts to Insulin.

Thank you Holly Plackett and FocusOn Health & Wellbeing.

To read the article click the link below.


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